\name{loggit} \alias{loggit} \title{Logging errors or debuggin information} \description{ \code{loggit} this function writes the desired information into a log file. The log file can be specifyed with the system variable \dQuote{log.file} (simply write \code{log.file <- "YourLogFile.txt"} in your R console). When the system variable \dQuote{log.level} is \dQuote{DEBUG} everytime the function is called the information is written to the log file, if the logging level was set to \dQuote{ERROR} only those calls are written into the log file, that produced a SQL error. In all functions of this package the loggit function is only called if the system variable \code{do.log} is set to TRUE. Together with the information submitted, the date and time of the call will be written to the log file. } \usage{ loggit(resultSet,call="") } \arguments{ \item{resultSet}{The result set that is returned by every query that is sent to the database (eg with the \code{dbSendQuery} command).} \item{call}{Some optional description that should be appended.} } \details{ } \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ } \examples{ } \keyword{data}