\name{createSequence} \alias{createSequence} \title{Creating a PgSQL SEQUENCE} \description{ \code{createSequence} creates a PostgreSQL SEQUENCE. SEQUENCEs allow the creation of autoincrementing sequences. } \usage{ createSequence(con, name=NULL, increment=1, start=100) } \arguments{ \item{con}{A connection object (create it with the dbConnect.PgSQL.conn function from the package RdbiPgSQL)} \item{name}{The name for the sequence} \item{increment}{the value to increment the sequence by each call, by default 1.} \item{start}{the starting value of the sequence, by default 100.} } \details{ creates a PostgreSQL SEQUENCE table. Such a sequence table can be used to get unique numbers and are therefore ideal for Primary keys (by creating a table with the default call createDBTable also a sequence will be created, to get unique Primary keys for the rows). To get the next value from the sequece only call nextval(''). For more details look in the PostgreSQL reference manual. } \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ \code{\link{createDBTable}} } \keyword{data}