\name{svdr} \alias{svdr} \title{ Classify Microarray Data by Principal Components Regression } \description{ This function is used by \code{pdmClass} and \code{pdmGenes} to classify microarray data by principal components regression. It is an internal function and not intended to be called by the end user. } \usage{ svdr(X, y, dimension) } \arguments{ \item{X}{ A numeric matrix assumed to be centred so columns sum to zero.} \item{y}{ A numeric vector assumed to sum to zero.} \item{dimension}{ The number of PLS factors in the model, which must be less than or equal to the rank of \code{X}. } } \value{ An object of class \code{svd}, containing the following items: \item{fitted.values }{The fitted values.} \item{coefficients }{The model coefficients.} \item{dimension}{The number of PLS factors in the model.} \item{xmeans}{The sample means.} } \references{ http://www.sph.umich.edu/~ghoshd/COMPBIO/POPTSCORE } \author{ Debashis Ghosh} \keyword{internal}