\name{predict.pls} \alias{predict.pls} \alias{predict.svd} \title{Classify Observations using Penalized Discriminant Methods } \description{ These are functions that can be used to classify new samples (a test set) based on an existing classifier created using a training set. } \usage{ \method{predict}{pls}(object, x, ...) \method{predict}{svd}(object, x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object created by a call to \code{pdmClass}. } \item{x}{ A matrix of new observations in which rows are samples and columns are genes. If not supplied, prediction will be performed on the original training set.} \item{...}{Other variables passed to predict.} } \value{ A vector of predicted class assignments. } \references{ http://www.sph.umich.edu/~ghoshd/COMPBIO/POPTSCORE} \author{ Debashis Ghosh} \examples{ library(fibroEset) data(fibroEset) y <- as.numeric(pData(fibroEset)[,2]) x <- t(exprs(fibroEset)) genes <- featureNames(fibroEset) tmp <- pdmClass(y ~ x) predict(tmp) } \keyword{ models} \keyword{ robust } \keyword{ classif}