\name{pdmClass.cv} \alias{pdmClass.cv} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Leave One Out Crossvalidation } \description{ This function performs a leave one out crossvalidation to estimate the accuracy of a classifier built using \code{pdmClass}. } \usage{ pdmClass.cv(Y, X, method = c("pls", "pcr", "ridge")) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{Y}{ A vector of factors giving the class assignments for the samples to be used in the crossvalidation.} \item{X}{ A matrix with samples in rows and observations in columns. Note that this is different than the usual paradigm for microarray data.} \item{method}{One of "pls", "pcr", "ridge", corresponding to partial least squares, principal components regression and ridge regression.} } \details{ This function performs a leave one out crossvalidation, which can be used to estimate the accuracy of a classifier. Each sample is removed in turn and a classifier is built using the remaining samples. The class of the removed sample is then predicted using the classifier. This is repeated for each sample, resulting in a vector of predicted class assignments for each sample in the original training set. Although far from perfect, this method can be used to estimate the accuracy of a given classifier without splitting data into a training and testing set. } \value{ A vector of factors giving the predicted class assignments for each of the samples in the training set. A confusion matrix can be constructed using \code{confusion}. } \references{http://www.sph.umich.edu/~ghoshd/COMPBIO/POPTSCORE "Flexible Disriminant Analysis by Optimal Scoring" by Hastie, Tibshirani and Buja, 1994, JASA, 1255-1270. "Penalized Discriminant Analysis" by Hastie, Buja and Tibshirani, Annals of Statistics, 1995 (in press).} \author{James W. MacDonald } \examples{ library(fibroEset) data(fibroEset) y <- as.factor(pData(fibroEset)[,2]) x <- t(exprs(fibroEset)) tmp <- pdmClass.cv(y, x) confusion(tmp, y) } \keyword{ models }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{ robust }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line \keyword{classif}