\name{pdmClass} \alias{pdmClass} \title{ Function to Classify Microarray Data using Penalized Discriminant Methods } \description{ This function is used to classify microarray data. Since the underlying model fit is based on penalized discriminant methods, there is no need for a pre-filtering step to reduce the number of genes. } \usage{ pdmClass(formula , method = c("pls", "pcr", "ridge"), keep.fitted = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{formula}{A symbolic description of the model to be fit. Details given below. } \item{method}{ One of "pls", "pcr", "ridge", corresponding to partial least squares, principal components regression and ridge regression.} \item{keep.fitted}{Boolean. Should the fitted values be kept? Default is TRUE, as this is necessary for the plotting and predict functions.} \item{\dots}{ Additional parameters to pass to \code{method} or \code{\link[mda]{fda}}. See \code{\link[mda]{fda}} for more information.} } \details{ The formula interface is identical to all other formula calls in R, namely Y ~ X, where Y is a numeric vector of class assignments and X is a matrix or data.frame containing the gene expression values. Note that unlike most microarray analyses, in this instance the columns of X are genes and rows are samples, so most calls will require something similar to Y ~ t(X). } \value{ an object of class \code{"fda"}. Use \code{predict} to extract discriminant variables, posterior probabilities or predicted class memberships. Other extractor functions are \code{coef}, and \code{plot}. The object has the following components: \item{percent.explained}{the percent between-group variance explained by each dimension (relative to the total explained.)} \item{values}{optimal scaling regresssion sum-of-squares for each dimension (see reference). The usual discriminant analysis eigenvalues are given by \code{values / (1-values)}, which are used to define \code{percent.explained}.} \item{means}{class means in the discriminant space. These are also scaled versions of the final theta's or class scores, and can be used in a subsequent call to \code{fda} (this only makes sense if some columns of theta are omitted---see the references).} \item{theta.mod}{(internal) a class scoring matrix which allows \code{predict} to work properly.} \item{dimension}{dimension of discriminant space.} \item{prior}{class proportions for the training data.} \item{fit}{fit object returned by \code{method}.} \item{call}{the call that created this object (allowing it to be \code{update}-able)} \item{confusion}{A 'confusion' matrix that shows how well the classifier works using the training data.} } \references{ http://www.sph.umich.edu/~ghoshd/COMPBIO/POPTSCORE "Flexible Disriminant Analysis by Optimal Scoring" by Hastie, Tibshirani and Buja, 1994, JASA, 1255-1270. "Penalized Discriminant Analysis" by Hastie, Buja and Tibshirani, Annals of Statistics, 1995 (in press). } \author{James W. MacDonald and Debashis Ghosh, based on \code{fda} in the \code{mda} package of Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani, which was ported to R by Kurt Hornik, Brian D. Ripley, and Friedrich Leisch. } \examples{ library(fibroEset) data(fibroEset) y <- as.factor(pData(fibroEset)[,2]) x <- t(exprs(fibroEset)) pdmClass(y ~ x) } \keyword{ models} \keyword{ robust } \keyword{ classif}