\name{reduceES} \alias{reduceES} \title{collapse the assay values in an ExpressionSet to a set of specified genes, using a statistic when multiple probes map to a given gene} \description{collapse the assay values in an ExpressionSet to a set of specified genes, using a statistic when multiple probes map to a given gene} \usage{ reduceES(es, annovec, ann2featMap, pdvname="symbol", collapseFun=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{es}{ ExpressionSet instance} \item{annovec}{ genes to retain } \item{ann2featMap}{ either an AnnDbBimap from AnnotationDbi (typically constructed with revmap(), or a named vector mapping from symbols to probe set IDs} \item{pdvname}{ featureData variable name to be used to hold the annotations of variables kept } \item{collapseFun}{ statistical function for collapsing data across probes mapping to the same gene } } %\details{ %} \value{ An ExpressionSet instance limited to genes in annovec, condensed if necessary using collapseFun to get one number per gene from multiple probes } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ library(ALL) data(ALL) library(hgu95av2.db) rr = revmap(hgu95av2SYMBOL) exprs(reduceES(ALL[,1:3], c("DDR1", "CPNE1"), rr, "sym", mean)) } \keyword{ models }