\name{rankProd} \alias{rankProd} \title{graphical interface to rank product method implemented in RankProd Bioconductor library.} \description{ To know more about rank product method see RankProd help. } \usage{rankProd()} \details{ The target file for the RankProd implementation contain the origin of the data as a number separated by an under score from the corresponding covariate. If all data are from the same origin the origin definition is not needed. Therefore target will contain only the covariates. Name FileName Target mC1 M1.CEL \verb+CTRL_1+ mC2 M4.CEL \verb+CTRL_1+ mC3 M7.CEL \verb+CTRL_2+ mE1 M3.CEL \verb+CTRL_2+ mE2 M6.CEL \verb+CTRL_2+ mE3 M9.CEL \verb+TRT_1+ mI1 M2.CEL \verb+TRT_1+ mI2 M5.CEL \verb+TRT_2+ mI3 M8.CEL \verb+TRT_2+ } \author{Raffaele A Calogero} \keyword{utilities}