\name{iqrFilter} \alias{iqrFilter} \title{Interquantile filtering with a mouse click} \description{ This function implements the interquantile filtering proposed by Heydebreck in 2004 } \usage{ iqrFilter() } \details{ The aim of non specific filtering is to remove the genes that are unlikely to carry information about the phenotypes under investigation. This filtering remove genes that show little changes within the experimental points. } \references{ Heydebreck et al. Bioconductor project Papers 2004 } \author{ Raffaele A Calogero } \note{ Factor analysis will be limited by the problem of having fewer samples than genes. Therefore, preselecting a smaller set of genes is definetively helpful. } \seealso{IPAlistFilter, listFilter, intensityFilter} \keyword{ methods }