\name{inspecting.one.splice.index} \alias{inspecting.one.splice.index} \title{ Plotting on the profiles of splice indexes for a transcript cluster ID} \description{ This function plots the splice index profiles for one trnascript cluster ID } \usage{ inspecting.one.splice.index( transcriptID, SpliceIndexDiff, PvalExon) } \arguments{ \item{transcriptID}{A character string indicating the geatureName of the transcript cluster to be evaluate} \item{SpliceIndexDiff}{a numerical value indicating the treshold to detect an alternative splicing. It represent the minimal absolute difference between the splice indexes measured for the same exon under two different experimental conditions} \item{PvalExon}{The max p-value obtainable by a t-test done on the splice indexes measured for the same exon under two different experimental conditions } } \author{ Raffaele A Calogero } \seealso{spliceIndex} \keyword{ methods }