\name{crosshybhuex.annotation} \docType{data} \alias{crosshybhuex.annotation} \title{Cross hybriduzation data for exon CORE subset of human exon array 1.0 ST} \description{ These data are derived from Affymetrix annotation file huex10stv2na23hg18. XHYB field is mainly an indicator of weak assignment between a transcript cluster and the assigned mRNA, suggesting a potential crosshyb, CRSSHYB is a measure of the promiscuity of the probes within a probe set among transcribed sequences. \begin{enumerate} \item 1 unique. All probes in the probe set perfectly match only one sequence in the putatively transcribed array design content. The vast majority of probe sets are unique. \item 2 similar. All the probes in the probe set perfectly match more than one sequence in the putatively transcribed array design content. \item 3 mixed.The probes in the probe set either perfectly match or partially match more than one sequence in the putatively transcribed array design content. \end{enumerate} XHYB and CRSSHYB are used to remove probe sets characterized by multiple hybridization of exon probes Cross-hybridization potential of the probe set determined at the time of array design. This field is based on computational sequence alignment against all known and putatively transcribed array design content, which includes all potentially transcribed regions of the genome and other transcribed sequences that could not be mapped to the genome. } \usage{crosshybhuex.annotation} \format{A data frame with 9 observations: EPROBESETID, GPROBESETID, ACC, XHYB, CHR, STRAND, START, STOP, CROSSHYBTYPE} \references{Affymetrix web site} \keyword{datasets}