\name{pmPosition} \alias{pmPosition} \alias{pmOffset} \alias{pmOffset,AffySNPPDInfo-method} \alias{pmPosition,TilingFeatureSet-method} %\alias{position} \alias{position,TilingFeatureSet-method} \alias{position,SnpCallSet-method} \alias{pmPosition,ExpressionPDInfo-method} \alias{pmPosition,TilingPDInfo-method} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Accessor to position information} \description{ \code{pmPosition} will return the genomic position for the (PM) probes. } \usage{ %position(object) pmPosition(object) pmOffset(object) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{AffySNPPDInfo}, \code{TilingFeatureSet} or \code{SnpCallSet} object} } \details{ \code{position} will return genomic position for all probes on a \code{FeatureSet} or \code{SnpCallSet} object. \code{pmPosition} will return genomic position for PM probes on a tiling array. \code{pmOffset} will return the offset information for PM probes on SNP arrays. } \value{ } \references{} \author{} \note{} \seealso{} \examples{ } \keyword{manip}