\name{oligo-package} \alias{oligo-package} \docType{package} \title{ The oligo package: a tool for analysis of oligonucleotide arrays } \description{ The \pkg{oligo} package handles oligonucleotide arrays: expression, tiling, SNP and exon chips. The supported manufacturers are Affymetrix and NimbleGen. The package provides tools for preprocessing. } \details{ The package will read the raw intensity files (CEL for Affymetrix; XYS for NimbleGen) and allow the user to perform analyses starting at the feature-level. Reading in the intensity files require the existence of data packages that contain the chip specific information (X/Y coordinates; feature types; sequence). These data packages packages are build using the \pkg{makePlatformDesign} package, except for the Affymetrix SNP arrays that uses the data packages built via \pkg{pdInfoBuilder} package. Soon, all the data packages will be built using the \pkg{pdInfoBuilder} package. } \author{ Benilton Carvalho - \email{bcarvalh@jhsph.edu} } \references{ Carvalho, B.; Bengtsson, H.; Speed, T. P. & Irizarry, R. A. Exploration, Normalization, and Genotype Calls of High Density Oligonucleotide SNP Array Data. Biostatistics, 2006. } \keyword{ package } \examples{ ## rawData <- read.celfiles(list.celfiles()) ## preProc <- snprma(rawData) ## gtCalls <- crlmm(preProc, correctionFile="outEM.rda") }