\name{getA} \alias{getA} \alias{getM} \alias{getA,SnpQSet-method} \alias{getM,SnpQSet-method} \alias{getA,SnpCnvQSet-method} \alias{getM,SnpCnvQSet-method} \alias{getM,TilingQSet-method} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Compute average log-intensities / log-ratios} \description{ Methods to compute average log-intensities and log-ratios across alleles, within strand. } \usage{ getA(object) getM(object) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{SnpQSet} object.} } \details{ SNPRMA summarizes the SNP information into 4 quantities (log2-scale): \item{antisenseThetaA}{antisense allele A} \item{antisenseThetaB}{antisense allele B} \item{senseThetaA}{sense allele A} \item{senseThataB}{sense allele B} The average log-intensities are given by: \code{(antisenseThetaA+antisenseThetaB)/2} and \code{(senseThetaA+senseThetaB)/2}. The average log-ratios are given by: \code{antisenseThetaA-antisenseThetaB} and \code{senseThetaA-senseThetaB}. } \value{ A 3-dimensional array (SNP's x Samples x Strand) with the requested measure. If a Genomewide array (like Affy SNP 6.0) is used, the strand dimension described above is dropped. } \references{} \author{} \note{} \seealso{\code{\link{snprma}}} \examples{ } \keyword{manip}