\name{infer.edge.type} \alias{infer.edge.type} \title{Infer regulation direction for each edge} \description{ The method infers edge types (up-regulation, down-regulation) for a given nem model. For an edge a->b the method looks at the fraction of E-genes attached to b (including b itself), which are up- or down-regulated in a knock-down of a. If significantly more genes are down-regulated than up-regulated, the edge a->b is assumed to be an activation. Likewise, if significantly more genes are up-regulated than down-regulated, a->b is assumed to be an inhibition. If there is no significant difference in up- and down-regulated edges, a->b does not have a specified type. } \usage{ infer.edge.type(x, logFC, alpha=0.05, adj.method="BY") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{nem object} \item{logFC}{matrix with fold changes. The rownames of this matrix should correspond to the rownames of the data matrix, which was used to infer the nem model.} \item{alpha}{p-value cutoff} \item{adj.method}{multiple testing correction method. Default: Benjamini-Yekutieli} } \details{ Significance is calculated using a two-tailed binomial test with null hypothesis p=0.5. } \value{ Modified nem object. Each edge in the nem graph now has a "weight" and a "label" attribute. The label attribute corresponds to the original value in the adjacency matrix. The weight attribute encodes up- and down-regulation in the following way: value 2 means up-regulation, value -1 down-regulation and value 1 corresponds to an unknown regulation type. } \author{Holger Froehlich} \seealso{\code{\link{binom.test}}} \examples{ data("BoutrosRNAi2002") D <- BoutrosRNAiDiscrete[,9:16] p <- c(.13,.05) result = nem(D, para=p) resEdgeInf = infer.edge.type(result, BoutrosRNAiLogFC) plot(resEdgeInf) } \keyword{models}