\name{enumerate.models} \alias{enumerate.models} \title{Exhaustive enumeration of models} \description{ The function \code{enumerate.models} is used to create the model space for inference by exhaustive enumeration. It computes a list of all transitively closed directed graphs on a given number of nodes. } \usage{ enumerate.models(x,name=NULL,verbose=TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{either the number of nodes or a vector of node names.} \item{name}{optionally the nodenames, if they are not provided in x} \item{verbose}{if TRUE outputs number of (unique) models. Default: TRUE} } \details{ The model space of Nested Effects Models consists of all transitively closed directed graphs. The function \code{enumerate.models} creates them in three steps: (1.) build all directed graphs on \code{x} (or \code{length(x)}) nodes, (2.) transitively close each one of them, and (3.) remove redundant models to yield a unique set. So far, enumeration is limited to up to 5 nodes. I'm aware that this is inefficient! It would be very desirable to enumerate the models directly (i.e. without creating all directed graphs as an intermediate step). } \value{ a list of models. Each entry is a transitively closed adjacency matrix with unit main diagonal. } \author{Florian Markowetz } \seealso{\code{\link{score}}, \code{\link{nem}}} \examples{ enumerate.models(2) enumerate.models(c("Anna","Bert")) } \keyword{graphs}