\name{FULLmLL} \alias{FULLmLL} \title{Full marginal likelihood of a phenotypic hierarchy} \description{ The function the full marginal likelihood of a phenotypic hierarchy. The full marginal likelihood equals the marginal likelihood \code{mLL} averaged over the error probabilities $\alpha$ and $\beta$. } \usage{ FULLmLL(Phi, D1, D0, a0, b0, a1, b1, Pe, Pm=NULL, lambda=0) } \arguments{ \item{Phi}{an adjacency matrix with unit main diagonal} \item{D1}{count matrix: phenotypes x genes. How often did we see an effect after interventions?} \item{D0}{count matrix: phenotypes x genes. How often did we NOT see an effect after intervention?} \item{a0, b0, a1, b1}{Hyperparameters} \item{Pe}{prior of effect positions in the hierarchy. A matrix of size phenotypes x genes, where each row contains positive numbers summing to 1.} \item{Pm}{prior on model graph (n x n matrix) with entries 0 <= priorPhi[i,j] <= 1 describing the probability of an edge between gene i and gene j.} \item{lambda}{regularization parameter to incorporate prior assumptions.} } \details{ Additionally to the marginal likelihood introduced in Markowetz et al (2005), we can average over the error probabilities $\alpha$ and $\beta$ assuming Beta priors. The parameters of the two Beta priors are hyperparameters of the full marginal likelihood score. The four hyperparameters fall into two categories: \code{a1} and \code{b0} are weights for observing the predicted state, while \code{a0} and \code{b1} are weights for observing errors. We suggest setting \code{a1=b0} and \code{a0=b1}. The ratio between the two values should correspond to our assessment of the noise level. See the example section for an application. The function \code{FULLmLL} is usually called from within function \code{score}. } \value{ \item{mLL}{full marginal likelihood of a model} \item{pos}{posterior distribution of effect positions in the hierarchy} \item{mappos}{maximum aposteriori estimate of effect positions} \item{LLperGene}{likelihood per E-gene} } \references{Markowetz F, Probabilistic Models for Gene Silencing Data. PhD thesis, Free University Berlin, 2006.} \author{Florian Markowetz } \seealso{\code{\link{nem}}, \code{\link{score}}, \code{\link{mLL}}} \examples{ data("BoutrosRNAi2002") res <- nem(BoutrosRNAiDiscrete[,9:16],type="FULLmLL",hyperpara=c(1,9,9,1)) } \keyword{models}