\name{get_selfhyb_subseq} \alias{get_selfhyb_subseq} \alias{show_selfhyb_counts} \alias{show_selfhyb_lengths} \title{Get Self-Hybridizing Subsequences} \description{ This function finds the longest self-hybridizing subsequences present in RNA or DNA sequences. } \usage{ get_selfhyb_subseq(seq, minlen, type = c("RNA", "DNA")) show_selfhyb_counts(L) show_selfhyb_lengths(L) } \arguments{ \item{seq}{character vector of RNA or DNA sequences} \item{minlen}{an integer specifying the minimum length in bases of the self-hybridizing subsequences. Subsequences with length less than \code{minlen} will be ignored.} \item{type}{one of \code{"RNA"} or \code{"DNA"} depending on the type of sequences provided in \code{seq}. Note that you cannot mix RNA and DNA sequences.} \item{L}{The output of \code{get_selfhyp_subseq}.} } \details{ \code{get_selfhyb_subseq} finds the longest self-hybridizing subsequences of the specified minimum length. It does this using suffix trees and the \code{getLongestSubstring} function provided by the Rlibstree package. These are defined to be the longest string that is found in both the input sequence, \code{seq}, and in its reverse complement. } \value{ A list with an element for each sequence in \code{seq}. The list will be named using \code{names(seq)}. Each element is itself a list with an element for each longest self-hybridizing subsequence (there can be more than one). Each such element is yet another list with components: \item{starts}{integer vector giving the character start positions for the self-hybridizing subsequence in the sequence.} \item{rcstarts}{integer vector giving the character start positions for the reverse complement of the self-hybridizing subsequence in the sequence.} } \author{Seth Falcon} \examples{ seqs = c(a="UGAGGUAGUAGGUUGUAUAGUU", b="UGAGGUAGUAGGUUGUGUGGUU", c="UGAGGUAGUAGGUUGUAUGGUU") ans = get_selfhyb_subseq(seqs, minlen=3, type="RNA") length(ans) ans[["a"]] show_selfhyb_counts(ans) show_selfhyb_lengths(ans) } \keyword{ }