\name{reverseSeq} \alias{reverseSeq} \alias{revcompDNA} \alias{revcompRNA} \title{Reverse Sequence} \description{Functions to obtain the reverse and reverse complement of a sequence} \usage{ reverseSeq(seq) revcompDNA(seq) revcompRNA(seq) } \arguments{ \item{seq}{Character vector. For \code{revcompRNA} and \code{revcompDNA} the sequence should consist of appropriate letter codes: \code{[ACGUN]} and \code{ACGTN}, respectively.} } \details{ The function reverses the order of the constituent character strings of its argument. } \value{ A character vector of the same length as \code{seq}. } \author{R. Gentleman, W. Huber, S. Falcon} \seealso{\code{\link{basecontent}},\code{\link{complementSeq}}} \examples{ w <- c("hey there", "you silly fool") reverseSeq(w) w <- "able was I ere I saw Elba" reverseSeq(w) rna1 <- "UGCA" revcompRNA(rna1) dna1 <- "TGCA" revcompDNA(dna1) } \keyword{manip}