\name{makeProbePackage} \alias{makeProbePackage} \title{Make a package with probe sequence related data for microarrays} \description{Make a package with probe sequence related data for microarrays} \usage{ makeProbePackage(arraytype, importfun = "getProbeDataAffy", maintainer, version, species, pkgname = NULL, outdir = ".", force = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, check = TRUE, build = TRUE, unlink = TRUE, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{arraytype}{Character. Name of array type (typically a vendor's name like "HG-U133A").} \item{importfun}{Character. Name of a function that can read the probe sequence data e.g. from a file. See \code{\link[matchprobes:getProbeDataAffy]{getProbeDataAffy}} for an example.} \item{maintainer}{Character. Name and email address of the maintainer.} \item{version}{Character. Version number for the package.} \item{species}{Character. Species name in the format Genus\_species (e.g., Homo\_sapiens)} \item{pkgname}{Character. Name of the package. If missing, a name is created from \code{arraytype}.} \item{outdir}{Character. Path where the package is to be written.} \item{force}{Logical. If \code{TRUE} overrides possible warnings} \item{quiet}{Logical. If \code{TRUE} do not print statements on progress on the console} \item{check}{Logical. If \code{TRUE} call \code{R CMD check} on the package} \item{build}{Logical. If \code{TRUE} call \code{R CMD build} on the package} \item{unlink}{Logical. If \code{TRUE} unlink (remove) the \code{check} directory (only relevant if \code{check=TRUE})} \item{\dots}{Further arguments that get passed along to \code{importfun}} } \details{See vignette. Important note for \emph{Windows} users: Building and checking packages requires some tools outside of \R (e.g. a Perl interpreter). While these tools are standard with practically every Unix, they do not come with MS-Windows and need to be installed separately on your computer. See \url{http://www.murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools}. If you just want to build probe packages, you will not need the compilers, and the "Windows help" stuff is optional. } \examples{ filename <- system.file("extdata", "HG-U95Av2_probe_tab.gz", package="matchprobes") outdir <- tempdir() me <- "Wolfgang Huber " makeProbePackage("HG-U95Av2", datafile = gzfile(filename, open="r"), outdir = outdir, maintainer = me, version = "0.0.1", species = "Homo_sapiens", check = FALSE, force = TRUE) dir(outdir) } \keyword{IO} \keyword{utilities}