\name{write.list} \alias{write.list} \title{Data Output} \description{ Writes information from a list into a text file. } \usage{ write.list(x, filename = "data", append = FALSE, closefile = TRUE, outfile) } \arguments{ \item{x}{the list object to be written.} \item{filename}{a character string representing the file name.} \item{append}{logical; if true, the data \code{x} is appended to file \code{filename}.} \item{closefile}{logical indicating if the file connection should be closed.} \item{outfile}{file name or connections.} } \details{ This function may be called recursively if there exists list structure within a list. } \author{Jean Yee Hwa Yang} \seealso{\code{\link{write.table}}, \code{\link{write}}} \examples{ data(swirl) test <- list(A = 1:10, B= maM(swirl)[1:10,], C=list(x=1:10, y=1:4), D = summary(maA(swirl[,1]))) write.list(test, filename="test.txt") } \keyword{file}