\name{stat.confband.text} \alias{stat.confband.text} \title{Rank genes according to the value of a statistic.} \description{ Select values based on intensities binning. } \usage{ stat.confband.text(M, A, crit1=0.025, crit2=crit1, nclass=5) } \arguments{ \item{A}{a vector giving the x-coordinates of the points in the scatter plot. In the microarray context, this could be a vector of average log intensities. ie A} \item{M}{a vector giving the y-coordinates of the points in the scatter plot. In the microarray context, this could be a vector of log intensity ratios.} \item{crit1}{The number of points to be selected. If crit1 < 1, the crit1*100\% spots with the smallest M values will be selected. If crit1 >= 1, the crit spots with the smallest M values are selected.} \item{crit2}{Similar to "crit1". If crit2 < 1, the crit2*100\% spots with the largest M values will be selected. If crit2 >= 1, the crit2 spots with the largest M values are selected.} \item{nclass}{A single number giving the approximate number of intensity depedent groups to consider.} % \item{labs}{ one or more character strings or expressions specifying the % text to be written. If this string is not specified, by % default the index of the vector `M' will be used.} % \item{output}{logical, defaulting to `FALSE'. If `TRUE' a vector % containning the index to the vector `M' that are % highlighted.} } \value{ A vector of selected spot index. } \examples{ library(marray) data(swirl) aveA <- apply(maA(swirl), 1, mean.na) aveM <- apply(maM(swirl), 1, mean.na) stat.confband.text(aveM, aveA, crit1=20, crit2=50, nclass=5) } \seealso{ \code{\link{stat.gnames}}} \keyword{manip}