\name{read.Galfile} \alias{read.Galfile} \title{Reading GenePix Gal file} \description{ Reading a standard Gal file containing gene information. } \usage{ read.Galfile(galfile, path = ".", info.id = c("ID", "Name"), layout.id =c(Block="Block", Row="Row", Column="Column"), labels = "ID", notes = "", sep = "\t", skip = NULL, ncolumns=4, ...) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{galfile}{a character string representing the Gal file.} \item{path}{a character string representing the data directory. By default this is set to the current working directory ("."). } \item{info.id}{the column numbers or names in `fname' that contain the required information.} \item{layout.id}{the column names in `fname' that specified the printer layout information.} \item{labels}{the column number in \code{fname} which contains the names that the user would like to use to label spots or arrays (e.g. for default titles in \code{\link{maPlot}}.} \item{notes}{object of class character, vector of explanatory text} \item{sep}{the field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. The default is to read a tab delimited file.} \item{skip}{the number of lines of the data file to skip before beginning to read data.} \item{ncolumns}{an integer representing the number of columns of sub-array (print-tips) on a slides.} \item{\dots}{further arguments to \code{\link{scan}}.} } \value{ \item{gnames}{An object of class \code{\link{marrayInfo}}.} \item{layout}{An object of class \code{\link{marrayLayout}}.} } \author{Yee Hwa (Jean) Yang} \seealso{\code{\link{read.marrayInfo}}, \code{\link{read.marrayLayout}}} \examples{ library(marray) datadir <- system.file("swirldata", package="marray") try <- read.Galfile(galfile="fish.gal", path=datadir) names(try) try$layout try$gnames } \keyword{file}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS