\name{mapGeneInfo} \alias{mapGeneInfo} \alias{widget.mapGeneInfo} \alias{URLstring} \alias{SFGL} \alias{UCBFGL} \title{Creating URL strings for external database links } \description{ These functions are used with \code{\link{htmlPage}}. The function \code{mapGeneInfo}, takes all the arguments and generate a character matrix of two columns. The first columns representing the name of the argument and the second columns represents the value of an argument. The function \code{widget.mapGeneInfo} allows the user to enter this information interactively. } \usage{ mapGeneInfo(widget = FALSE, Gnames, Name = "pubmed", ID = "genbank", ACC = "SMDacc", ...) widget.mapGeneInfo(Gnames) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{widget}{A logical value specifying if widgets should be used.} \item{Name}{The external database for spot description, E.g. "pubmed".} \item{ID}{The external database for spot ID, E.g. "operon", "Riken", "locuslink".} \item{ACC}{The external database for gene accession number, E.g. "genebank".} \item{Gnames}{An object of class \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame} or \code{marrayInfo} which contains description of spotted probe sequences.} \item{\dots}{Other column names} } \details{ The function \code{mapGeneInfo} generates a character matrix with the first column representing the column headings of "Gnames" and the second column representing the corresponding names in the list \code{URLstring}. For example, if a particular column in "Gnames" with column names "ID" contains genebank accession number, then the function \code{mapGeneInfo} generates a row containing "ID" in the first column and "genbank" in the second. Examples are \code{SFGL} and \code{UCBFGL}.\cr \code{URLstring} is a list contains the URL to various external database, E.g. operon, Riken, genbank. \cr The current choices are: "pubmed", "locuslink", "riken", "SMDclid", "SMDacc", "operonh2", "operonh1" , "operonm2", "operonm1" and "genbank" . "SMDclid" and "SMDacc" are links to Stanford Microarray Databases. } \author{Jean Yee Hwa Yang} \examples{ mapGeneInfo(ID="genebank", ll="locuslink") mapGeneInfo(ID="locuslink", Sample.ID="riken") } \keyword{manip}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS