\name{maTwoSamples} \alias{maTwoSamples} \alias{widget.TwoSamples} \title{Changing signs for two sample analysis} \description{ Taking target file information and flip the dye swaps experiments. } \usage{ maTwoSamples(targetfile, normdata, Trt, Ctl, targetID = "TargetName", slidesID = "Slides", dyesID = "Dyes", RedID = 5, path = ".", output = TRUE) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{targetfile}{A data.frame containing target samples information.} \item{normdata}{A R object of class 'marrayNorm'} \item{Trt}{A character string representing "treatment" sample.} \item{Ctl}{A character string representing "controls" sample.} \item{targetID}{A character string representing the column name in 'targetfile' containing target samples information.} \item{slidesID}{A character string representing the column name in 'targetfile' containing the slide label.} \item{dyesID}{A character string representing the column name in 'targetfile' containing dye labeled information.} \item{RedID}{The character use to represent the Cy5 dye.} \item{path}{A character string representing the data directory. By default this is set to the current working directory ("."). } \item{output}{Save and tab delimited file} } \value{ An objects of 'marrayNorm' with the dye assignment adjusted. } \author{Yee Hwa (Jean) Yang} \keyword{manip}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS