\name{maSelectGnames} \alias{maSelectGnames} \title{Select genes according to the values of a few different statistics} \description{ Select genes by considering the \code{\link{union}} or \code{\link{intersect}} of multiple statistics. } \usage{ maSelectGnames(statdata, crit1 = 50, crit2 = crit1, sub = TRUE, selectstat, operate = c("intersect", "union")) } \arguments{ \item{statdata}{A numerical matrix where the rows corresponds to genes and the columns corresponds to various statistics corresponding to a particular gene.} \item{crit1}{The number of points to be selected. If crit1 < 1, the crit1*100\% spots with the smallest M values will be selected. If crit1 >= 1, the crit spots with the smallest M values are selected.} \item{crit2}{Similar to "crit1". If crit2 < 1, the crit2*100\% spots with the largest M values will be selected. If crit2 >= 1, the crit2 spots with the largest M values are selected.} \item{sub}{A "logical" or "numeric" vector indicating the subset of genes to be consider.} \item{selectstat}{A integer value indicating the statistics where the final ranking is based on.} \item{operate}{The operation used to combined different rankings} } \details{ This functions calls \code{\link{stat.gnames}} to select say the 100 most extreme genes from various statistics and combined the different gene lists by either union or intersection. } \value{ A vector of numeric values. } \author{Jean Yee Hwa Yang} \seealso{\code{\link{stat.gnames}}, \code{\link{order}}} \examples{ X <- matrix(rnorm(1000), 100,10) Xstat <- cbind(mean=apply(X, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE), var=apply(X, 1, var, na.rm=TRUE)) maSelectGnames(Xstat, crit1=50) } \keyword{manip}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS