\name{na} \alias{log.na} \alias{sum.na} \alias{mean.na} \alias{var.na} \alias{cor.na} \alias{quantile.na} \alias{length.na} \alias{order.na} \alias{scale.na} \alias{prod.na} \title{Basic Statistical Functions for Handling Missing Values} \description{ Basic statistical functions for handling missing values or NA. \cr In \code{log.na}, \code{sum.na}, \code{mean.na} and \code{var.na}, \code{quantile.na}, \code{length.na}, missing values are omitted from the calculation. \cr The function \code{cor.na} calls \code{cor} with the argument \code{use="pairwise.complete.obs"}. \cr The function \code{order.na} only handles vector arguments and not lists. However, it gives the option of omitting the NAs (\code{na.last=NA}), of placing the NAs at the start of the ordered vector (\code{na.last=F}) or at the end (\code{na.last=T}). \cr The function \code{scale.na} is a modified version of \code{\link{scale}} which allows NAs in the variance calculation. If \code{scale = T}, the function \code{f} in \code{scale.na} uses \code{var.na} to perform the variance calculation. The function \code{prod.na} is similar to the \code{\link{prod}} function with \code{na.rm=TRUE}. This function returns the product of all the values present in its arguments, omitting any missing values. } \author{ Yee Hwa Yang, \email{jean@biostat.berkeley.edu} \cr } \seealso{\code{\link{log}}, \code{\link{sum}}, \code{\link{mean}}, \code{\link{var}}, \code{\link{cor}}, \code{\link{order}}, \code{\link{scale}}, \code{\link{prod}}.} %%\keyword{log, sum, mean, variance, correlation, order, scale, product, missing values, NA.} \keyword{arith}