\name{maDotsMatch} \alias{maDotsMatch} \title{Replace default arguments of a function by user supplied values} \description{ This function may be used to replace default arguements for any functions to user supplied parameters.} \usage{ maDotsMatch(dots, defaults) } \arguments{ \item{dots}{List of user supplied argements, e.g. from \code{list(...)}.} \item{defaults}{List of formal arguments of a function, e.g. from the function \code{\link{formals}}.} } \value{ \item{args}{List of argument of a function.} } \author{Jean Yee Hwa Yang} \seealso{\code{\link{maDefaultPar}}, \code{\link{maDotsDefaults}}} \examples{ dots<-list(x=1:10, y=11:20) argsfun <- maDotsMatch(dots, formals(args(plot))) do.call("plot", argsfun) } \keyword{misc}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS