\name{htmlPage} \alias{htmlPage} \alias{table2html} \title{Display gene list as a HTML page} \description{ Given a set of index to a data.frame containing gene names information. We create a web page with one element per genes that contains URLs links to various external database links. E.g Operon oligodatabase , Riken, GenBank and PubMed web sites. } \usage{ htmlPage(genelist, filename = "GeneList.html", geneNames = Gnames, mapURL = SFGL, othernames, title, table.head, table.center = TRUE, disp = c("browser", "file")[1]) table2html(restable, filename = "GeneList.html", mapURL = SFGL, title, table.head, table.center = TRUE, disp = c("browser", "file")[1]) } \arguments{ \item{restable}{A data.frame that contains only the information you wish to display in the html file. The rows corresponds to a different DNA spots.} \item{genelist}{A numeric vector of index to a data.frame} \item{filename}{The name of the file to store the HTML in. } \item{geneNames}{A data.frame containing the information related the each DNA spots. } \item{mapURL}{A matrix of characters containing the URL for various external database. E.g \code{\link{SFGL}}.} \item{othernames}{A data.frame containing other information.} \item{title}{Title of the HTML page} \item{table.head}{ A character vector of column labels for the table} \item{table.center}{A logical indicating whether the table should be centered} \item{disp}{Either "File" or "Browser" (default is Browser). File will save the information in html file, while Browser will create an html files and display information in the user's browser.} } \details{ This function is an extension to \code{ll.htmlpage} } \value{ No value is return, the function produce a html file "filename" and output the results in a browser. } \author{Yee Hwa Yang } \seealso{\code{ll.htmlpage}, \code{\link{URLstring}}, \code{\link{widget.mapGeneInfo}}} \examples{ ##library(annotate) data(swirl) Gnames <- maGeneTable(swirl) swirlmap <- mapGeneInfo(Name = "none", ID="genbank") ## htmlPage(100:110, geneNames = Gnames, mapURL = swirlmap, title="Swirl") moreinfo <- round(maM(swirl), 2) swirlmap <- mapGeneInfo(Name = "pubmed", ID="genbank") ##htmlPage(100:110, geneNames = Gnames, mapURL = swirlmap, othernames=moreinfo, title="Swirl", disp="file") } \keyword{file}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS