\name{coerce-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{coerce-methods} \alias{coerce} \alias{as} \title{Coerce an object to belong to a given microarray class} \description{ Coercing methods were defined to convert microarray objects of one class into objects of another class, e.g., instances of the \code{"\link{marrayRaw}"} class into instances of the \code{"\link{marrayNorm}"} class. } \section{Methods}{\describe{ \item{from = marrayRaw, to = marrayNorm}{convert an object of class \code{"\link{marrayRaw}"} into an object of class \code{"\link{marrayNorm}"}.} }} \note{Use Package convert to convert object to other data types such as \code{ExpressionSet} and \code{MAList}. } \keyword{methods}