\name{checkTargetInfo} \alias{checkTargetInfo} \title{Verifying the order between intensities matrix and target file information} \description{ Check that the foreground and backgruond intensities are stored in the same order as provided in the first column of target file. } \usage{ checkTargetInfo(mraw) } \arguments{ \item{mraw}{Object of class \code{marrayRaw} or \code{marryNorm}.} } \value{ A logical value. This function returns "TRUE" if the first column from the Target information is the same order as the foreground and backgruond intensities. } \author{Yee Hwa (Jean) Yang} \examples{ datadir <- system.file("swirldata", package="marray") swirl.targets <- read.marrayInfo(file.path(datadir, "SwirlSample.txt")) data(swirl) swirl@maTargets <- swirl.targets checkTargetInfo(swirl) checkTargetInfo(swirl[, 2:4]) ## reorder swirl@maTargets <- swirl.targets[c(2:4, 1),] checkTargetInfo(swirl) } \keyword{file}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS