\name{[-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{[-methods} \alias{[} \title{Subsetting methods for microarray objects} \description{Subsetting methods were defined for the microarray classes, \code{\link{marrayInfo}}, \code{\link{marrayLayout}},\code{\link{marrayRaw}} and \code{\link{marrayNorm}}. These methods create instances of the given class, for a subset of spots and/or arrays in a batch.} \section{Methods}{\describe{ \item{x = ANY}{generic method.} \item{x = marrayInfo}{\code{x[i, j]} extract object of class \code{"\link{marrayInfo}"} for spots or arrays with indices i and labels with indices j.} \item{x = marrayLayout}{\code{x[i]} extract object of class \code{"\link{marrayLayout}"} for spots with indices i.} \item{x = marrayRaw}{\code{x[i, j]} extract object of class \code{"\link{marrayRaw}"} for spots with indices i and arrays with indices j.} \item{x = marrayNorm}{\code{x[i, j]} extract object of class \code{"\link{marrayNorm}"} for spots with indices i and arrays with indices j.} }} \keyword{methods}