\name{read.cdffile} \alias{read.cdffile} \title{Read a CDF file} \description{Read the data contained in a CDF file} \usage{read.cdffile(file, compress=FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{file}{the name of the CDF file} \item{compress}{whether the file is compressed or not} } \value{ Returns a \code{\link{Cdf-class}} object. } \note{ A \code{Cdf} object is not a cdf environment, which will be needed for the computation of expression values from the probe intensities in a \code{AffyBatch}. } \details{This function is intended for use by \code{\link{make.cdf.env}}, which in turn is called by \code{\link{make.cdf.package}}. User may not have much benefit from calling this function directly. In order to save memory, the name corresponding to each value in the CEL is a factor. As in R \code{factor} objects cannot be also of type \code{matrix}, the names corresponding to the indices were stored in a vector of type \code{character} called \code{name.levels}. The same thing was done with the pbase and cbase information (more for consistency than by conviction that some memory could be saved here). } \author{Laurent Gautier (laurent@cbs.dtu.dk)} \seealso{\code{\link{Cdf-class}}} \keyword{file} \examples{ fn <- system.file("extdata", "Hu6800.CDF.gz", package="makecdfenv") mycdf <- read.cdffile(fn, compress=TRUE) mycdf }