\name{Cdf-class} \docType{class} \alias{Cdf-class} \alias{atom} \alias{atom<-} \alias{name.levels} \alias{name.levels<-} \alias{pbase} \alias{pbase<-} \alias{pbase.levels} \alias{pbase.levels<-} \alias{tbase} \alias{tbase<-} \alias{tbase.levels} \alias{tbase.levels<-} \alias{atom,Cdf-method} \alias{atom<-,Cdf-method} \alias{name.levels,Cdf-method} \alias{name.levels<-,Cdf-method} \alias{pbase,Cdf-method} \alias{pbase<-,Cdf-method} \alias{pbase.levels,Cdf-method} \alias{pbase.levels<-,Cdf-method} \alias{tbase,Cdf-method} \alias{tbase<-,Cdf-method} \alias{tbase.levels,Cdf-method} \alias{tbase.levels<-,Cdf-method} \alias{show,Cdf-method} \title{Class Cdf} \description{A class describing the content a Chip Description File.} \section{Creating Objects}{ \code{ new('Cdf',}\cr \code{ cdfName = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ name = ...., # Object of class matrix}\cr \code{ name.levels = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ pbase = ...., # Object of class matrix}\cr \code{ pbase.levels = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ tbase = ...., # Object of class matrix}\cr \code{ tbase.levels = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ atom = ...., # Object of class matrix}\cr \code{ )}} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{cdfName}:}{the CDF name tag. Used to link with the right CEL files} \item{\code{name}:}{Object of class "matrix" of 'factors' for the gene names corresponding to the probes.} \item{\code{name.levels}:}{Object of class "character" containing the levels corresponding to \code{name}.} \item{\code{pbase}:}{Object of class "matrix" of pbase levels.} \item{\code{pbase.levels}:}{Object of class "character" containing the levels corresponding to \code{pbase}. } \item{\code{tbase}:}{Object of class "matrix" of tbase levels.} \item{\code{tbase.levels}:}{Object of class "character" containing the levels corresponding to \code{tbase}. } \item{\code{atom}:}{Object of class "matrix" of atom or probe numbers.} } } \details{ The class \code{Cdf} was designed to store the content of Affymetrix's Chip Definition Files (CDF). This early class is no longer widely used in the package affy. Environments (called \code{cdfenvs}) are preferred to have an efficient mapping between probe set identifiers and indexes (needed to access/subset particular probe intensities). Unless one needs to access every information contained in a CDF file, the \code{cdfenvs} will be preferred. The following comments are only relevant to someone with interest in what is in a CDF file. The name associated to each probe is not unique, it corresponds to the gene name. It is very common to have a name repeated 40 times (20 perfect matches and 20 mismatches). Probes can be grouped by pairs: a perfect match (PM) probe has its mismatch (MM) counterpart. The two probes in a pair differ by one base (usually located in the middle of the sequence). The information relative to this particular base are stored in \code{pbase} and \code{tbase}. At a given position (x,y), having pbase[x,y] == tbase[x,y] means having a MM while having pbase[x,y] != tbase[x,y] means having a perfect mismatch if and only if one of the bases is A while the other is TRUE, or one is G and the other is C. The function \code{\link{pmormm}} returns \code{TRUE} for PMs and \code{FALSE} for MMs. To know more about the file structure of a CDF file, one has to refer to the parsing code (mostly in C). } \seealso{ \code{\link{read.cdffile}}, \code{\link{make.cdf.env}}, \code{\link{make.cdf.package}} } \author{L. Gautier } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{atom}{(Cdf): An accesor function for the \code{ato,} slot. } \item{atom<-}{(Cdf): A replacement function for \code{atom} slot. } \item{name.levels}{(Cdf): An accesor function for the \code{name.levels} slot. } \item{name.levels<-}{(Cdf): A replacement function for \code{name.levels} slot. } \item{pbase}{(Cdf): An accesor function for the \code{pbase} slot. } \item{pbase<-}{(Cdf): A replacement function for \code{pbase} slot. } \item{pbase.levels}{(Cdf): An accesor function for the \code{pbase.levels} slot. } \item{pbase.levels<-}{(Cdf): A replacement function for \code{pbase.levels} slot. } \item{show}{(Cdf): renders information about the \code{Cdf} object in a concise way on stdout. } \item{tbase}{(Cdf): An accesor function for the \code{tbase} slot. } \item{tbase<-}{(Cdf): A replacement function for \code{tbase} slot. } \item{tbase.levels}{(Cdf): An accesor function for the \code{tbase.levels} slot. } \item{tbase.levels<-}{(Cdf): A replacement function for \code{tbase.levels} slot. } } } \keyword{methods}