\name{relNetworkM} \alias{relNetworkM} \title{ Relevance Network analysis } \description{ Function to construct Relevance Networks comparing two distinct biological types. } \usage{ relNetworkM(data=NULL, gLabelID="GeneName", sLabelID="Classification", geneGrp=NULL, path=NULL, samples=NULL, type="Rpearson", \dots) } \arguments{ \item{data}{object of class \code{\link{maiges}}.} \item{gLabelID}{character string giving the identification of gene label ID.} \item{sLabelID}{character string giving the identification of sample label ID.} \item{geneGrp}{character string (or numeric index) specifying the gene group to calculate the correlation values between them. If NULL (together with path) all genes are used.} \item{path}{character string (or numeric index) specifying the gene network to calculate the correlation values between them. If NULL (together with geneGrp) all genes are used.} \item{samples}{a named list with two character vectors specifying the two groups that must be compared.} \item{type}{type of correlation to be calculated. May be 'Rpearson' %(default), 'pearson', 'kendall', 'spearman' or 'MI'.} (default), 'pearson', 'kendall' or 'spearman'.} \item{\dots}{additional parameters for functions \code{\link{robustCorr}} or \code{\link[stats]{cor}}.} } \value{ The result of this function is an object of class \code{\link{maigesRelNetM}}. } \details{ This method uses the function \code{\link[stats]{cor}} to calculate %the usual correlation values, \code{\link{robustCorr}} to calculate the usual correlation values or \code{\link{robustCorr}} to calculate %a robust correlation using an idea similar to the leave-one-out or a robust correlation using an idea similar to the leave-one-out. %\code{\link{MI}} to calculate the mutual information values. The The correlation values are calculated for pairs of genes in the two groups specified by the argument \code{samples}, then a Fisher's Z transformation are done to calculate the significance for the difference between the two correlation values, this is implemented in the function \code{\link{compCorr}}. This method was first used in the work from Gomes et al. (2005). } \seealso{ %\code{\link[stats]{cor}}, \code{\link{robustCorr}}, \code{\link{MI}} \code{\link[stats]{cor}}, \code{\link{robustCorr}} \code{\link{compCorr}}, \code{\link{maigesRelNetM}}, \code{\link{plot.maigesRelNetM}}, \code{\link{image.maigesRelNetM}}. } \references{ Gomes, L.I.; Esteves, G.H.; Carvalho, A.F.; Cristo, E.B.; Hirata Jr., R.; Martins, W.K.; Marques, S.M.; Camargo, L.P.; Brentani, H.; Pelosof, A.; Zitron, C.; Sallum, R.A.; Montagnini, A.; Soares, F.A.; Neves, E.J. & Reis, L.F. Expression Profile of Malignant and Nonmalignant Lesions of Esophagus and Stomach: Differential Activity of Functional Modules Related to Inflammation and Lipid Metabolism, \bold{Cancer Research}, 65, 7127-7136, 2005 (\url{http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/65/16/7127}) } \examples{ ## Loading the dataset data(gastro) ## Constructing the relevance network for sample ## 'Tissue' comparing 'Neso' and 'Aeso' for the 1st gene group gastro.net = relNetworkM(gastro.summ, sLabelID="Tissue", samples = list(Neso="Neso", Aeso="Aeso"), geneGrp=11, type="Rpearson") } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves <\email{gesteves@vision.ime.usp.br}> } \keyword{methods}