\name{normRepLoess} \alias{normRepLoess} \title{ Bootstrap of LOWESS normalisation } \description{ This function normalises a microarray object re-doing the LOWESS fitting several times, selecting a pre-specified proportion of points aleatorily. } \usage{ normRepLoess(raw, span=0.4, propLoess=0.5, nRep=50, func="none", bkgSub="none", \dots) } \arguments{ \item{raw}{an object of class \code{\link{maigesRaw}} to be normalised.} \item{span}{real number in (0,1) representing the proportion of points to use in the loess regression.} \item{propLoess}{real number in (0,1) representing the proportion of points (spots) to be used in each iteration of loess.} \item{nRep}{number of repetitions for loess procedure.} \item{func}{character string giving the function to estimate the final W value. You must use 'mean', 'median' or 'none' (default).} \item{bkgSub}{character with background subtraction method, using the function \code{\link[limma]{backgroundcorrect}} from \emph{limma} package.} \item{\dots}{additional parameters for function \code{\link[limma:loessfit]{loessFit}} from \emph{limma} package.} } \value{ The result of this function is an object of class \code{\link{maiges}}. } \details{ The LOWESS fitting for normalising microarray data is a computational intensive task, so pay attention to not specify a very large argument in \code{nRep}. If you do so, your process will take so much time to conclude. } \seealso{ \code{\link[limma:loessfit]{loessFit}}. } \examples{ ## Loading the dataset data(gastro) ## Doing the repetition loess with default parameters. Be carefull, this ## is very time consuming \dontrun{ gastro.norm = normRepLoess(gastro.raw2) } ## Do the same normalization selecting 60\% dos spots with 10 ## repetitions and estimating the W by the mean value. \dontrun{ gastro.norm = normRepLoess(gastro.raw2, propLoess=0.6, nRep=10, func="mean") } } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves <\email{gesteves@vision.ime.usp.br}> } \keyword{methods}