\name{maigesClass-class} \docType{class} \alias{maigesClass-class} \alias{maigesClass} \title{ maigesClass class, store results of discrimination (or classification) analysis } \description{ This class defines a structure to store the results from discrimination analysis. This type of analysis can be done using the functions \code{\link{classifyLDA}}, \code{\link{classifySVM}}, \code{\link{classifyKNN}}, \code{\link{classifyLDAsc}}, \code{\link{classifySVMsc}} or \code{\link{classifyKNNsc}}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{W}:}{numeric matrix giving the W values of the genes tested. This information is useful for doing plots of the cliques.} \item{\code{CV}:}{numeric vector that store the number of correct classifications in the leave-one-out cross validation procedure.} \item{\code{SVD}:}{numeric vector that store the singular value decomposition from Fisher linear discriminant analysis.} \item{\code{cliques}:}{character matrix that gives the genes that constitute the cliques returned. The rows of the matrix represent the cliques while the columns represent the genes that form the clique.} \item{\code{cliques.idx}:}{numeric matrix similar to the above, storing the indexes (onto \code{W} slot) of the genes.} \item{\code{method}:}{character string giving the method of discrimination analysis used.} \item{\code{Date}:}{character string giving the date and time that the object was generated.} \item{\code{V.info}:}{list containg three characters. The first one is a string containing the R version used when the object was created. The second is a char vector with base packages and the last one is another char vector with additional packages and version numbers.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesClass')}: plot method for \code{\link{maigesClass}} class. Display dispersion plots.} \item{print}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesClass')}: print method for \code{\link{maigesClass}} class.} \item{show}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesClass')}: show method for \code{\link{maigesClass}} class.} \item{summary}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesClass')}: summary method for \code{\link{maigesClass}} class.} } } \details{ Objects of this class are produced by calling the functions \code{\link{classifyLDA}}, \code{\link{classifySVM}}, \code{\link{classifyKNN}}, \code{\link{classifyLDAsc}}, \code{\link{classifySVMsc}} or \code{\link{classifyKNNsc}} over an object of class \code{\link{maiges}} to search for cliques satisfying the criteria specified for classification. } \seealso{ \code{\link{classifyLDA}}, \code{\link{classifySVM}}, \code{\link{classifyKNN}}, \code{\link{classifyLDAsc}}, \code{\link{classifySVMsc}} and \code{\link{classifyKNNsc}}. } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves <\email{gesteves@vision.ime.usp.br}> } \keyword{classes}