\name{contrastsFitM} \alias{contrastsFitM} \title{ Compute Contrasts from Linear Model Fit } \description{ Given a linear model fit to microarray data, compute estimated coefficients and standard errors for a given set of contrasts. This function was adapted from \code{\link[limma]{contrasts.fit}} of the \emph{limma} package. } \usage{ contrastsFitM(fit, contrasts) } \arguments{ \item{fit}{an \code{\link[limma:marraylm]{MArrayLM}} object or a list object produced by the function \code{\link[limma]{lm.series}} or equivalent.} \item{contrasts}{numeric matrix with row corresponding to coefficients in fit and columns containing contrasts. May be a vector if there is only one contrast.} } \value{ The result of this function is an object of class \code{\link[limma:marraylm]{MArrayLM}}. } \details{ This function was adapted from the equivalent \code{\link[limma]{contrasts.fit}} limma's function to do the linear model fit without use the empirical Bayes method given by the function \code{\link[limma:ebayes]{eBayes}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link[limma]{lmFit}}, \code{\link[limma]{contrasts.fit}}, \code{\link[limma:ebayes]{eBayes}}, \code{\link[limma:marraylm]{MArrayLM}}. } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves <\email{gesteves@vision.ime.usp.br}>, adapted from the limma's function. } \keyword{methods}