\name{ord} \alias{ord} \alias{plot.ord} \title{Ordination} \description{Run principal component analysis, correspondence analysis or non-symmetric correspondence analysis on gene expression data} \usage{ ord(dataset, type="coa", classvec=NULL,ord.nf=NULL, trans=FALSE, \dots) \method{plot}{ord}(x, axis1=1, axis2=2, arraycol=NULL, genecol="gray25", nlab=10, genelabels= NULL, arraylabels=NULL,classvec=NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{dataset}{Training dataset. A \code{\link{matrix}}, \code{\link{data.frame}}, \code{\link[Biobase:ExpressionSet-class]{ExpressionSet}} or \code{\link[marrayClasses:marrayRaw-class]{marrayRaw}}. If the input is gene expression data in a \code{\link{matrix}} or \code{\link{data.frame}}. The rows and columns are expected to contain the variables (genes) and cases (array samples) respectively. } \item{classvec}{A \code{factor} or \code{vector} which describes the classes in the training dataset.} \item{type}{Character, "coa", "pca" or "nsc" indicating which data transformation is required. The default value is type="coa".} \item{ord.nf}{Numeric. Indicating the number of eigenvector to be saved, by default, if NULL, all eigenvectors will be saved.} \item{trans}{Logical indicating whether 'dataset' should be transposed before ordination. Used by BGA Default is \code{FALSE}.} \item{x}{An object of class \code{ord}. The output from \code{ord}. It contains the projection coordinates from \code{ord}, the \$co or \$li coordinates to be plotted.} \item{arraycol, genecol}{Character, colour of points on plot. If arraycol is NULL, arraycol will obtain a set of contrasting colours using \code{getcol}, for each classes of cases (microarray samples) on the array (case) plot. genecol is the colour of the points for each variable (genes) on gene plot.} \item{nlab}{Numeric. An integer indicating the number of variables (genes) at the end of axes to be labelled, on the gene plot.} \item{axis1}{Integer, the column number for the x-axis. The default is 1.} \item{axis2}{Integer, the column number for the y-axis, The default is 2.} \item{genelabels}{A vector of variables labels, if \code{genelabels=NULL} the row.names of input matrix \code{dataset} will be used.} \item{arraylabels}{A vector of variables labels, if \code{arraylabels=NULL} the col.names of input matrix \code{dataset} will be used.} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods.} } \details{ \code{ord} calls either \code{\link[ade4:dudi.pca]{dudi.pca}}, \code{\link[ade4:dudi.coa]{dudi.coa}} or \code{\link[ade4:dudi.nsc]{dudi.nsc}} on the input dataset. The input format of the dataset is verified using \code{\link[made4:array2ade4]{array2ade4}}. If the user defines microarray sample groupings, these are colours on plots produced by \code{plot.ord}. \bold{Plotting and visualising bga results:} \emph{2D plots:} \code{s.var} and \code{s.groups} to draw an xy plot of cases (\$ls). \code{s.var} and \code{s.groups} are modifications of the ADE4 graphing functions \code{\link[ade4:s.label]{s.label}} and \code{\link[ade4:s.class]{s.class}}. \code{\link[made4:plotgenes]{plotgenes}}, is used to draw an xy plot of the variables (genes). \emph{3D plots:} 3D graphs can be generated using \code{\link[made4:do3D]{do3D}} and \code{\link[made4:html3D]{html3D}}. \code{\link[made4:html3D]{html3D}} produces a web page in which a 3D plot can be interactively rotated, zoomed, and in which classes or groups of cases can be easily highlighted. \emph{1D plots, show one axis only:} 1D graphs can be plotted using \code{\link[made4:graph1D]{graph1D}}. \code{\link[made4:graph1D]{graph1D}} can be used to plot either cases (microarrays) or variables (genes) and only requires a vector of coordinates (\$li, \$co) \bold{Analysis of the distribution of variance among axes:} The number of axes or principal components from a \code{ord} will equal \code{nrow} the number of rows, or the \code{ncol}, number of columns of the dataset (whichever is less). The distribution of variance among axes is described in the eigenvalues (\$eig) of the \code{ord} analysis. These can be visualised using a scree plot, using \code{\link[ade4:scatter]{scatterutil.eigen}} as it done in \code{plot.ord}. It is also useful to visualise the principal components from a using a \code{ord} or principal components analysis \code{\link[ade4:dudi.pca]{dudi.pca}}, or correspondence analysis \code{\link[ade4:dudi.coa]{dudi.coa}} using a heatmap. In MADE4 the function \code{\link[made4:heatplot]{heatplot}} will plot a heatmap with nicer default colours. \bold{Extracting list of top variables (genes):} Use \code{\link[made4:topgenes]{topgenes}} to get list of variables or cases at the ends of axes. It will return a list of the top n variables (by default n=5) at the positive, negative or both ends of an axes. \code{\link[made4:sumstats]{sumstats}} can be used to return the angle (slope) and distance from the origin of a list of coordinates. } \value{ A list with a class \code{ord} containing: \item{ord}{Results of initial ordination. A list of class "dudi" (see \code{\link[ade4:dudi]{dudi}})} \item{fac}{The input classvec, the \code{factor} or \code{vector} which described the classes in the input dataset. Can be NULL.} } \references{ } \author{Aedin Culhane} \seealso{See Also \code{\link[ade4:dudi.pca]{dudi.pca}}, \code{\link[ade4:dudi.coa]{dudi.coa}} or \code{\link[ade4:dudi.nsc]{dudi.nsc}}, \code{\link[made4:bga]{bga}}, } \examples{ data(khan) if (require(ade4, quiet = TRUE)) { khan.coa<-ord(khan$train, classvec=khan$train.classes, type="coa") } khan.coa plot(khan.coa, genelabels=khan$annotation$Symbol) plotarrays(khan.coa) # Provide a view of the first 5 principal components (axes) of the correspondence analysis heatplot(khan.coa$ord$co[,1:5], dend=FALSE,lowcol="blue") } \keyword{manip} \keyword{multivariate}