\name{kernelizeToPython} \alias{kernelizeToPython} \title{Smooth expression values and write to file} \description{ Smoothes expression data for one chromosome and writes the result into a text file, which can be read into PYTHON, or returns it without writing. 'kernelizeToPython' is the one-chromosome version of \code{\link{kernelizeAll}}. } \usage{ kernelizeToPython(data, chrom, step.width = 1e+05, kernel = rbf, kernelparams = list(gamma = 1/10^13), saveToFile = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ MACATData Object } \item{chrom}{ kernelize all genes that are on this chromosome } \item{step.width}{ widtrh of interploation steps } \item{kernel}{ kernel function one of rbf, kNN, basePairDistance or your own} \item{kernelparams}{ list of named kernel parameters } \item{saveToFile}{ logical indicating wether to save as flat file or not } } \details{ filename of the flatfile: \code{kernelized_seq_chrom_.py} where is the name of the chromosome. } \value{ returns kernelized expression matrix } \author{ The MACAT Development team } \seealso{ \code{\link{pydata}}, \code{\link{kernelizeAll}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(stjd) kernelized = kernelizeToPython(stjd, 3) } } \keyword{internal}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS