\name{suma2Venn} \alias{suma2Venn} \title{ Creates a Venn Diagram from a matrix of characters} \description{ \code{suma2Venn} transforms a matrix of characters into a binary matrix and creates a vennDiagram of the common elements between columns } \usage{ suma2Venn(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ data frame of character values} \item{\dots}{ plotting arguments for the vennDiagram function } } \details{ \code{suma2Venn} creates a list of all elements of a matrix or data frame of characters and computes the presence/absence of each element in each column of the matrix. This results is a numeric matrix of 1 and 0 which can be taken by the \code{\link[limma]{vennDiagram}} to generate a Venn Plot } \value{ \code{suma2Venn} returns a Venn Plot such as that created by the \code{\link[limma]{vennDiagram}} funcion } \author{ Ana Conesa, aconesa@ivia.es} \seealso{ \code{\link[limma]{vennDiagram}}} \examples{ a <- c("a","b","c", "d", "e", NA, NA) b <- c("a","b","f", NA, NA, NA, NA) c <- c("b","e","f", "h", "i", "j", "k") x <- cbind(a, b,c) suma2Venn(x) } \keyword{ misc } \keyword{ aplot }