\name{progress} \alias{progress} \title{Progress bar} \description{ \code{progress} displays a simple progress bar. } \usage{ progress(percent=0,steps=20,type="default",label=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{percent}{The progress of an action in percent.} \item{steps}{The number of steps of the progress bar. Setting the steps to 20 means that each 5 percent to progress bar increases.} \item{type}{The type of the progress bar. Allowed types are \dQuote{default} and \dQuote{arrow}.} \item{label}{if the actual percentage should be written as a number too.} } \details{ This function can be used to display the progress of functions. } \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ \code{\link{arrowProgress}} } \examples{ progress(percent=70,steps=40) } \keyword{data}