\name{multiGrep} \alias{multiGrep} \title{Perform a pattern search with a list of patterns} \description{ \code{multiGrep}: search for a list of patterns. } \usage{ multiGrep(pattern,x,...) } \arguments{ \item{pattern}{The string, or a vector of strings, that should be searched in the submitted data.} \item{x}{The data, any kind of string or vector.} \item{...}{Some additional parameters for the \code{myGrep} and \code{grep} commands that are executed inside the function.} } \details{ The functions performs a \code{myGrep} call for each of the patterns submitted and returns a vector with the indizes where the patterns where found inside the data vector. } \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ \code{\link{grep}}, \code{\link{myGrep}} } \examples{ test <- c("where","is","the","pattern","in","this","vector","?") multiGrep(pattern="patt",test) test[multiGrep(pattern="patt",test)] multiGrep(pattern=c("the","tor","is","where"),test) test[multiGrep(pattern=c("the","tor","is","where"),test)] } \keyword{utilities}