\name{dbGetAnnotation} \alias{dbGetAnnotation} \title{Annotate a list of IDs using the annotation table in the database.} \description{ \code{dbGetAnnotation} returns the annotation of the submitted IDs to available annotations in the maDB annotation database table. For an example refer to the package vignette (which can be opened using the \code{\link{openMadbVignette}} function). } \usage{ dbGetAnnotation(Con,id,columns=c("gen_bank","description","uni_gene","locuslink","symbol","chromosome"),chip=NULL,search.col="id",v=TRUE,quickload=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{Con}{The connection to the maDB database (created using the \code{dbConnect} function from the \pkg{RdbiPgSQL} package).} \item{id}{The IDs of the genes that should be annotated.} \item{columns}{the identifier to which the submitted ids should be annotated.} \item{chip}{the chip (or for two color arrays a oligo set identifier) from which the ids were taken from (e.g. hgu133plus2 for the Affymetrix GeneChip 133Plus2).} \item{search.col}{In wich of the columns the ids submitted with the id parameter should be searched for.} \item{v}{If TRUE additional information will be printed to the console.} \item{quickload}{Only valid if id="id", the annotation data will be fetched much quicker from the database.} } \details{ The annotation database table can be easily created in a PostgreSQL database using the \code{dbUpdateAnnotation} function.} \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ \code{\link{dbUpdateAnnotation}} \code{\link{dbGetExperimentInfo}} % \code{\link{dbConnect}} \code{\link{loadFromDB}} } \keyword{data}