\name{createSampleFromTable} \alias{createSampleFromTable} \title{Create a new Sample object using data from a matrix} \description{ \code{createSampleFromTable} This function creates a new instance from the class \code{Sample} using the data in the matrix submitted as attribute. The column names of the matrix should correspond to the attribute names (slot names) of the \code{Sample} class. All \code{"\_"} in the column names are replaced by a dot (for example for the slot \code{exposure.time} of the Sample class the table should have a column named \dQuote{exposure\_time}). } \usage{ createSampleFromTable(table) } \arguments{ \item{table}{The data frame/matrix that contains the values with which the new Sample object should be filled.} } \details{ This function a new Sample object filling its slots with the values of the data table submitted. } \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ \code{\link{Sample-class}} } \examples{ } \keyword{data}