\name{createJOINQuery} \alias{createJOINQuery} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Create a SQL query that joins two or more tables} \description{ This function creates SQL query strings that allow to join all available tables from the \code{maDB} database. } \usage{ createJOINQuery(join, with, select = "*", r = TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{join}{One of the two database tables that should be joined.} \item{with}{The database table with which the first one should be joined.} \item{select}{The attributes (column names) of the tables that should be returned. By default every column will be returned.} \item{r}{Attribute for joining the \code{comparisons} table with any other table. If \code{r=TRUE} the entries of the \code{comparisons} table will be joined with the other table using the information for the red signal channel, if \code{r=FALSE} the informtion for the green signal channel will be used.} } \details{ This function eases the usage of the various database tables of a \code{maDB} database. The list of tables that can be joined are: \code{comparisons, signal\_channels, arrays, samples and experiments}. } \value{ A string that can be used in the \code{dbSendQuery} (package RdbiPgSQL) function to retrieve the data. } \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{\code{\link{dbGetComparisons}}} \examples{ ## ## join the comparison table with the samples table createJOINQuery(join="comparisons",with="samples") } \keyword{data}