\name{print.logicFS} \alias{print.logicFS} \title{Print a logicFS object} \description{ Prints an object of class \code{logicFS}. } \usage{ \method{print}{logicFS}(x, topX = 5, show.prop = TRUE, coded = FALSE, digits = 2, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of either class \code{logicFS}.} \item{topX}{integer indicating how many interactions should be shown. Additionally to the \code{topX} most important interactions, any interaction having the same importance as the \code{topX} most important one are also shown.} \item{show.prop}{should the proportions of models containing the interactions of interest also be shown?} \item{coded}{should the coded variable names be displayed? Might be useful if the actual variable names are pretty long. The coded variable name of the \emph{j}-th variable is \code{Xj}.} \item{digits}{number of digits used in the output.} \item{\dots}{Ignored.} } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schwender@udo.edu}} \seealso{ \code{\link{logicFS}}, \code{\link{vim.logicFS}} } \keyword{print}