\name{venn} \alias{vennCounts} \alias{vennDiagram} \title{Venn Diagrams} \description{ Compute classification counts or plot classification counts in a Venn diagram. } \usage{ vennCounts(x, include="both") vennDiagram(object, include="both", names, mar=rep(1,4), cex=1.5, lwd=1, circle.col, counts.col, show.include, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{numeric matrix of 0's and 1's indicating significance of a test. Usually created by \code{\link{decideTests}}.} \item{object}{either a \code{TestResults} matrix or a \code{VennCounts} object produced by \code{vennCounts}.} \item{include}{character string specifying whether to counts genes up-regulated, down-regulated or both. See details. Choices are \code{"both"}, \code{"up"} or \code{"down"}.} \item{names}{optional character vector giving names for the sets or contrasts} \item{mar}{numeric vector of length 4 specifying the width of the margins around the plot. This argument is passed to \code{par}.} \item{cex}{numerical value giving the amount by which the contrast names should be scaled on the plot relative to the default.plotting text. See \code{par}.} \item{lwd}{numerical value giving the amount by which the circles should be scaled on the plot. See \code{par}.} \item{circle.col}{optional vector of color specifications defining the colors by which the circles should be drawn. See \code{par}.} \item{counts.col}{optional vector of color specifications defining the colors by which the circles should be drawn. See \code{par}.} \item{show.include}{logical value whether the value of \code{include} should be printed on the plot. Defaults to \code{FALSE} if \code{include} is a single value and \code{TRUE} otherwise} \item{\dots}{any other arguments are passed to \code{plot}} } \details{ If a \code{vennCounts} object is given to \code{vennDiagram}, the \code{include} parameter is ignored. If a \code{TestResults} object is given, then it is possible to set \code{include} as a vector of 2 character strings and both will be shown. } \value{ \code{vennCounts} produces a \code{VennCounts} object, which is a numeric matrix with last column \code{"Counts"} giving counts for each possible vector outcome. \code{vennDiagram} causes a plot to be produced on the current graphical device. For \code{venDiagram}, the number of columns of \code{object} should be three or fewer. } \seealso{ An overview of linear model functions in limma is given by \link{06.LinearModels}. } \author{Gordon Smyth James Wettenhall and Francois Pepin} \examples{ Y <- matrix(rnorm(100*6),100,6) Y[1:10,3:4] <- Y[1:10,3:4]+3 Y[1:20,5:6] <- Y[1:20,5:6]+3 design <- cbind(1,c(0,0,1,1,0,0),c(0,0,0,0,1,1)) fit <- eBayes(lmFit(Y,design)) results <- decideTests(fit) a <- vennCounts(results) print(a) vennDiagram(a) vennDiagram(results,include=c("up","down"),counts.col=c("red","green")) } \keyword{htest}