\name{unwrapdups} \alias{unwrapdups} \title{Unwrap Duplicate Spot Values from Rows into Columns} \description{Reshape a matrix so that a set of consecutive rows becomes a single row in the output.} \usage{ unwrapdups(M,ndups=2,spacing=1) } \arguments{ \item{M}{a matrix.} \item{ndups}{number of duplicate spots. The number of rows of M must be divisible by \code{ndups}.} \item{spacing}{the spacing between the rows of \code{M} corresponding to duplicate spots, \code{spacing=1} for consecutive spots} } \value{A matrix containing the same values as \code{M} but with fewer rows and more columns by a factor of \code{ndups}. Each set of \code{ndups} rows in \code{M} is strung out to a single row so that duplicate values originally in consecutive rows in the same column are in consecutive columns in the output. } \details{ This function is used on matrices corresponding to a series of microarray experiments. Rows corresponding to duplicate spots are re-arranged to that all values corresponding to a single gene are on the same row. This facilitates fitting models or computing statistics for each gene. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \examples{ M <- matrix(1:12,6,2) unwrapdups(M,ndups=2) unwrapdups(M,ndups=3) unwrapdups(M,ndups=2,spacing=3) } \keyword{array}