\name{printorder} \alias{printorder} \title{Identify Order in which Spots were Printed} \description{ Identify order in which spots were printed and the 384-well plate from which they were printed. } \usage{ printorder(layout, ndups=1, spacing="columns", npins, start="topleft") } \arguments{ \item{layout}{list with the components \code{ngrid.r}, \code{ngrid.c}, \code{nspot.r} and \code{nspot.c}, or an \code{RGList} or \code{MAList} object from which the printer layout may be extracted.} \item{ndups}{number of duplicate spots, i.e., number of times print-head dips into each well} \item{spacing}{character string indicating layout of duplicate spots. Choices are \code{"columns"}, \code{"rows"} or \code{"topbottom"}.} \item{npins}{actual number of pins or tips on the print-head} \item{start}{character string giving position of the spot printed first in each grid. Choices are \code{"topleft"} or \code{"topright"} and partial matches are accepted.} } \details{ In most cases the printer-head contains the \code{layout$ngrid.r} times \code{layout$ngrid.c} pins or tips and the array is printed using \code{layout$nspot.r} times \code{layout$npot.c} dips of the head. The plate holding the DNA to be printed is assumed to have 384 wells in 16 rows and 24 columns. \code{ndups} indicates the number of spots printed from each well. The replicate spots from multiple dips into the same wells are assumed to be side-by-side by columns (\code{spacing="columns"}), by rows (\code{spacing="rows"}) or in the top and bottom halves of the array (\code{spacing="topbottom"}). In some cases a smaller number of physical pins is used and the total number of grids is built up by effectively printing two or more sub-arrays on the same slide. In this case the number of grids should be a multiple of the number of pins. Printing is assumed to proceed by rows within in each grid starting either from the top-left or the top-right. } \value{ List with components \item{printorder}{numeric vector giving printorder of each spot, i.e., which dip of the print-head was used to print it} \item{plate}{numeric vector giving plate number from which each spot was printed} \item{plate.r}{numeric vector giving plate-row number of the well from which each spot was printed} \item{plate.c}{numeric vector giving plate-column number of the well from which each spot was printed} \item{plateposition}{character vector summarizing plate number and plate position of the well from which each spot was printed with letters for plate rows and number for columns. For example \code{02B13} is second row, 13th column, of the second plate.} } \seealso{ \code{\link{normalizeForPrintorder}}. An overview of LIMMA functions for reading data is given in \link{03.ReadingData}. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \examples{ printorder(list(ngrid.r=2,ngrid.c=2,nspot.r=12,nspot.c=8)) } \keyword{IO}